George Soros Made a Secret Purchase That’ll Give Him Control Over the U.S. Media

The airwaves in the U.S. are about to be filled with Soros propaganda. He spent a tremendous sum of money to buy control over American media. And his ever-growing empire is seizing a terrifying amount of power. George Soros understands…

George Soros Quietly Made One Purchase That Should Terrify Everybody

You’ll be stunned when you find out what George Soros just bought.  He’s tightening his grip on American society.  And soon he could control everything.  There’s likely no single individual who’s bankrolled the progressive movement more than George Soros.  He’s…

Scandal Erupted as One Supreme Court Exposed George Soros as The Liar He Is

The Supreme Court just handed George Soros a devastating blow.  They ruled against him in a case with massive implications.  But they went one step further and exposed him as the liar he is too.  George Soros has been able…

George Soros Was Busted in the Financial Scandal of the Century

The chickens have come home to roost for George Soros.  He thought he could get away with anything because of his extraordinary wealth.  But now a major scandal has broken out as Soros was busted.  George Soros has made it…

George Soros Unleashed a Violent Attack on American Police Officers

George Soros had been planning this attack for a long time.  But no one was prepared for the violence he unleashed.  Now police officers are under assault while Soros smiles on with glee.  George Soros has been behind a shocking…

George Soros Shocked Everyone and Shut Down His Global Empire

Everything is in ruins for George Soros. He spent nearly his whole life building up an empire to spread Left-wing propaganda. But now after a dramatic fall from grace, he’s had to shut down. Conservatives may not need to worry…

George Soros Had the Worst Day of His Life as His Empire Finally Crumbled

Things will never be the same for George Soros. He has been the most powerful leftist in the world for decades. But now he is watching with despair as his empire crumbles thanks to one bad decision. George Soros is…

George Soros Just Made One Purchase That Should Terrify Everybody

George Soros has done something absolutely horrifying. Even as he’s plagued by scandals, his influence continues to spread. And this latest purchase by George Soros should send chills down everyone’s spine. George Soros isn’t letting his scandals hold him back.…

George Soros is Finished After One Big Mistake Shattered His Globalist Empire

This could be the end for George Soros. Everything he’s built is crumbling after one big mistake. And this is what he did. George Soros has made the mistake of his life. He thought his millennial son could be trusted…

One Scandal Could Bring Down George Soros and His Left-Wing Empire

George Soros’s nefarious activities have been exposed. He is at the center of a scandal that is quickly blowing up. And his entire leftwing empire might come tumbling down as a result. George Soros believes that, because of his enormous…

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