MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 26: What They Aren’t Telling You About The Declaration of Independence

WhatexactlydoestheFourthofJulymeantoday?AndwhatdoestheLeftforgetaboutAmerica’sfounding? NickbreaksdowntheentireDeclarationofIndependencepointbypoint,andexplainswhythisdocumentissorevolutionary.

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 25: The Real Reason The Left Hates This Supreme Court

TheSupremeCourt’srecentdecisionsonRoev.WadehaveenragedtheLeft. Now,someareevencallingforviolenceagainstthecourt. Here’swhatyouneedtoknowaboutthecourt’sroleindefendingtheConstitution.

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 23: Refuting the Left’s Biggest Myths on Homeschooling

What are the top arguments against homeschooling, and what is the strongest response to refute the Left’s otherizing of homeschoolers?

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 22: Woke Teacher Proves Conservatives Were Right About School Choice

The Left just gave America the biggest reason why School Choice needs to happen. -The definitive proof critical race theory is being taught in our schools: -Woke Hawaii teacher busted for grooming 13-year-old, sexually assaulting him on video:…

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 21: The REAL Reason Why Gas Prices Are So High

What is actually causing gas prices to go through the roof? Are oil companies to blame, or are politicians? Listen: The FED, Inflation, And What To Do About It Watch: Why Zimbabwe’s Soaring Stock Market Is A Recipe For…

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 20: Gun Rights, America’s Culture Wars, and Defending the Unborn

Thisweek,NicksatdownwithChicksontheRighttodiscuss hisviralfloorspeeches,theongoingstruggleoverAmericanculture,andtheLeft’sapproachtotheabortiondebate.

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 19: The FED, Inflation, And What To Do About It

Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary just admitted she was wrong about inflation. But now that D.C. has finally admitted there’s a problem, what exactly can be done to put an end to the inflation crisis gripping the country?

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 18: Here’s One Easy Way to Fix D.C. – With Bryce Reeves

Washington D.C. has a lot of problems. But there’s a simple rule change that could finally put an end to one of the worst examples of political corruption in D.C. And there’s one candidate running for Congress who is leading…

MTA: Making the Argument with Nick Freitas 17: Trudeau vs Rogan on Guns, and the World Economic Forum’s Orwellian Conference

JustinTrudeaupushesmassivegunconfiscationinCanadawhileJoeRoganearnstheLeft’shatredbydefendingthe2ndAmendment. Meanwhile,theWorldEconomicForumgoesfull1984whilenooneispayingattention.

Liberty Airwaves

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